The right religion, regardless of the times, is the one
that enlightens us and invites us to live in peace
Kanshoji is a Sôtô zen buddhist monastery.
Sôtô zen, through the purity of its forms, in its simplicity, aspires to touch the heart of as many people as possible and thus contribute to the long and necessary evolution of mankind.
Kanshoji’s abbot, Taiun Jean-Pierre Faure, is a Sôtô school certified teacher. His daily teachings are vivid and often relate to real-life situations.
In the heart of Périgord-Limousin natural park, overlooking a lake surrounded by forests, Kanshoji is located in a calm and beautiful setting favourable to our constant presence to the world.
Sitting still, perfectly balanced, the spine stretched between earth and sky… Absorbed in this posture of awakening, without grasping or rejecting anything, naturally, unconsciously, we give freedom to all things.
Giving freedom to our thoughts means not to move before them…
Our consciousness then opens into infinity. That is how Buddha’s wisdom and compassion can manifest within us.
Zazen is the mother of all postures. Through the practice of zazen, we can learn how to live and love all existences.
All types of retreats are possible, whether you are a beginner or an experienced practitioner.
A Buddhist monastery is a school of life open to those who do not share all the values of society, who wish to see clearly, to give meaning to their life… and find happiness.
Throughout your stay, you will be guided and accompanied; experienced practitioners will introduce you to the different aspects of Zen.
In these times of crisis, human beings are engaged in a real spiritual search.
To respond to this need, in addition to the existing spiritual retreats, the monastery now offers Discovery Retreats open to all beginners.
Whether you are an atheist, an agnostic… it is possible to come and share the daily life of the monks and nuns and the residents of the monastery.
The three poisons defined by Buddha – ignorance, greed and aversion – rule the world, giving rise to unbridled consumerism, fanaticism, violence and war…
Political answers are insufficient because the solution lies in the heart of every human being, all of whom yearn for the absolute, for liberation, love and sharing.
Through the practice of awakening, we free ourselves of the three poisons and can act with wisdom and compassion.
Discovery weekend
Come and take part in a spiritual retreat in a Zen monastery,
discover Buddhist practice and Zen meditation (zazen).
Kesa sewing workshop
This workshop is open to anyone who thinks they will one day receive the precepts of Buddhism or become a monk.
April retreat
During this retreat, cut off from our daily environment, we forget our usual preoccupations and devote ourselves to the spiritual practice: to return to a deeply peaceful, available, open mind.