The keys to understanding the Shōbōgenzō

Arrival : Monday 28 April between 3pm and 6pm.
Departure: Sunday 4 May after lunch.

Session led by Taiun Jean-Pierre Faure.


The Eminent Patriarch Dōgen Zenji is one of the three founders of Sōtō Zen. He left us a masterly work that sheds light on the Buddha’s teaching, and is particularly relevant to Westerners because it attempts to explain the right practice in words.


It is essential for us Sōtō Zen practitioners to study the Shōbōgenzō, but it is difficult to approach…


We therefore propose a workshop in which we will study together the practice that should be understood behind Dōgen’s words.


We choose to begin with the first chapter, following the order chosen by the Sōtō school: the Genjō Kōan. This chapter has the advantage of covering different aspects of the practice; they are the main themes dealt with in the Shōbōgenzō.


This study, initially intellectual, will be interspersed with zazen sessions which will make the texts much more approachable, understandable and light.


Let us not forget that all the teaching transmitted by the Buddha and the Patriarchs comes from zazen and is intended to help us practise authentic zazen: that of the Buddhas.




Shobogenzo Study

    Payment for your stay is made on the day of arrival, in cash or by cheque.

    Annual membership to the AZK (Association Zen Kanshoji)
    - 15€ the first year,
    - 40€ the following years.
    This membership is necessary to stay at the monastery.
  • Those with a small budget can apply for a reduction according to their income.
    Those who can are invited to make a donation.

  • We recommend that you remain silent during the retreat.

  • Arrival : Monday April 28th between 3 & 6pm.
    Departure : Sunday May 4th after lunch.

  • * to be filled in