Entries by Brice Texier

What is the cycle of births and deaths?

What is true love? What is ultimate reality? What is the cycle of births and deaths? When the causes and conditions are there, a form appears.  When the causes and conditions are no longer there, the form disappears. Death is sudden, like a flash, but it occurs, calmly and silently, like a wave quietly merging […]


Shinsanshiki and hossenshiki ceremonies at La Gendronnière temple

In souvenir of the ceremony of Shinsanshiki, during which Taiun Jean-Pierre Faure officially took the position of abbot of the temple of La Gendronnière, here is master Deshimaru’s poem that he mentioned at that occasion. Peace in the infinite universe… Struggles in the finite world. In this upside down world, In this distressed civilisation, The river perpetuates its flow, unchangingly Since […]

Washing our bowl, cleaning our mind

We receive our life from the universe. We give our life to the universe. Traditionally, monks do takuhatsu. In their bowl, they receive their subsistence from lay people. In exchange, lay people receive their spiritual food, Buddha’s teaching, from the monks. The way we receive, the way we give, the way we exchange, is fundamental. […]

It’s good …

Shakyamuni Buddha is sometimes called the Blessed One. Blessed is “to be happy in good” (in French, blessed is “bienheureux”: “bien” – good, “heureux” – happy). His attitude is benevolent, meaning that he watches over good (in French, benevolent is “bienveillant”: “bien” – good, “veillant” – watching over). Good is not a concept. It’s life […]


Hossenshiki of Yushin Christophe Guillet

Yushin Christophe Guillet’s hossenshiki ceremony was held on February 22nd, confirming his position as first among the monks. Reverend Igarashi Takuzo Roshi came from Japan to preside over the ceremony. The Reverend, Taiun Jean-Pierre Faure and Hosetsu Laure Scemama reminisced about their time spent with Master Taisen Deshimaru Roshi a few decades ealier. The day before, a traditional tea […]

Solving the problem of life and death

Solving the problem of life and death is, essentially, the great matter of our life. Every human being is familiar with the sting of that question. Some believe that there is no answer… Others say that paradise will come after a life of suffering, or that the answer is to be found outside of ordinary […]


Mars 2013

Depuis les dernières nouvelles datant du mois de décembre, les travaux du nouveau dojo ont encore bien progressé. L’aménagement intérieur est pratiquement fini, avec un nouvel autel, des shojis coulissants qui ferment la partie centrale du dojo et 22 tans sur lesquels on peut faire zazen. Le ango qui vient de se terminer a accueilli […]


Travaux à l’intérieur du bâtiment, juillet 2012

L’été est déjà là et les travaux continuent sans interruption. L’isolation du plafond est en cours, pendant qu’en même temps la pose des briques crues sur les murs se poursuit. Ce travail demande de la précision et prend du temps. Il y a de nombreuses tâches qui peuvent être menées de front et demandent de […]