Don’t let brambles obstruct the way

"Gracias a la vida que me ha dado tanto…", sings Mercedes Sosa: Thanks to life that gives me so much, that has given me so much. Some people cannot resolve to enter life without any weapon or armour, just as they are. We could say that Buddhism…

An invitation to receptiveness

Influenza is infectious, but karma, on the other hand, is not. Each one of us has our own karma. In the case of influenza, something substantial is transmitted. But within the Dharma, nothing substantial is transmitted. Our mind uses excuses.…

Harmonising our subjective world with the world of the absolute.

Each of us is a world; in this sense, we are sacred. From the moment we are born, we construct our world. All our experiences, all our encounters at each moment with reality, participate in the creation of our world. So, each of us has our own…

Nothing in the Universe is hidden

A man and his son are coming home at night. They pass a field full of melons. The father says to the son: "I'll take a few. You'll keep watch and let me know if anyone comes." The father goes into the field and picks a few melons. "Do you see…

A Life of Integrity

Many people in the West are interested in Zen. Some see Zen as something magical, where one should not have to make any effort. The proposition of Zen is to live one's life with integrity, to live a life of integrity. When we talk about the…

Be True

When the Buddhas address us, they say: "Good men and women, be true. Don't tell yourself stories, don't tell others stories. Good men and women: there's no flattery, it's just that your true nature is good. As you are, you are Buddha: this is…

A World of Dream

A sutra relates the story of a king who made the following dream: he was a poor man living in absolute destitution who was trying to meet the king of the country to ask him for some help. He was told that the king was over there, so he rushed…

The right way to think

Not follow thoughts, not avoid thoughts, just don't worry about it: this is what we do in Zazen. To say that Zen is against thinking is to be a bit hasty. Buddhism is concerned that we use our mind, in all of its forms, in the right way: consciousness,…

The Way of the Heart

or how to become a true human being Our social life is governed by codes: codes of good behaviour, codes of decency, codes of politeness… The important thing is to live out these codes with a sincere, open, pure heart. The form must be in…


When the disciple asks the master: - How could you describe Zen practice in a few words? The master replies: - Careful! - Please, explain a little better! - Careful! - Couldn’t you say a little more? - Careful! Here…