The living human being

Kusen from Taiun JP Faure - Saturday, March 31st, 2018 The Zen masters put in first place the totally living human being, rather than the thinking human being. Master Dôgen writes: "He who has faith in the Buddha Way is convinced that…

The impressive and sustained practice of the Buddhas

Kusen from Taiun JP Faure - March 2018 When we go up to the room of clouds [the dojo], it's important to know what we will be doing there. We go there to sit, shikantaza, just sit. Every time we feel like doing something else, we have…

Our vocation as human beings is to be true human beings

Master Kodo Sawaki says: "Our vocation as human beings is to be true human beings. This means that a human being's vocation is to be Buddha, and not a terribly mean little mushroom." What Kodo Sawaki means is that human beings' vocation is…

Who are we ?

Kusen from Taiun, abbot of Kanshoji, November 1st , 2016 Who are we ? Tiny human beings in the vastness of time, walking in the long night, walking in suffering, disdainfully, at times despairingly. With their powerful egos, those small…

Openness of the Heart

Kusen from Taiun Jean-Pierre Faure, Thursday, September 22nd , 2016   In zazen, unnecessary tensions must be cast off. On the other hand, imperceptibly, push the ground with the knees, push the sky with the top of the head. That…

Teaching of the summer camp

Kusen from Taiun Jean-Pierre Faure, Abbot of Kanshoji, August 2016 Buddha's message takes us into tranquillity and puts an end to fear, to existential anxieties. You are profoundly Buddha. Simply sit in silence and stillness. Do not pay…

Returning to silence

Kusen from Taiun Jean-Pierre Faure, Abbot of Kanshoji, July 2016 Returning to silence is a universal practice: returning to the silence, returning to the original mind. The silence Buddha talks about is not the silence of the mafia,…

Practice with sincerity

Kusen from Taiun JP Faure, June 2016 ... Master Dogen said : " During the whole day and the whole night, things come to mind and the mind bothers about them. In peace with them, we perseveringly pursue our path." This is to say that we…

What is the cycle of births and deaths?

What is true love? What is ultimate reality? What is the cycle of births and deaths? When the causes and conditions are there, a form appears.  When the causes and conditions are no longer there, the form disappears. Death is sudden, like…