
Without hurting yourself, without sacrificing yourself

The Way of the Buddha does not, under any circumstances, require you to sacrifice yourself for others. One day, during the time of the Buddha, the king of Kosala asked his wife: ‘Of you or of me, who do you love the most?’ The queen replies:…

A taste for simple things

In our societies, we devote a lot of energy to the pursuit of pleasure, to satisfying our desires, to constantly improving our well-being, our comfort. But as Einstein said: “It is only good for cattle.” The slightest disagreement, the slightest…

The world of being

There is a saying: “The soul is reflected in the eyes.” The mind is reflected in the eyes. Do not try to catch anything, do not fix your eyes on anything. This is what is meant by to look inside. There are two ways to look at the world.…

Faith: Strength and Wisdom

An authentic and just life requires faith. In Buddhism, faith is not faith in something. It is not faith in beliefs or superstitions. It is not believing that an outside power can save us or solve the problem of life and death for us. We ought…

The mind of the morning of the world

The mind of zazen is the mind of the morning of the world, before the passions, before the flames rise. To awaken with the day which is dawning. Be careful not to let your mind take hold of the usual preoccupations. Maintain the calm of the…