Arrival: Friday 19 September between 3pm and 6pm.
Departure: Thursday 25 September after breakfast.

You are not satisfied with life in our society and you want to take a step back?
You wish to give meaning to your life?
Are you looking for the tranquility of a peaceful mind?
Are you aspiring to see more clearly in a world in which you do not share all the values?

Then come spend a spiritual holiday in the world of Zen,
discover Buddhist practice and meditation (zazen).


Spiritual Holidays

In the heart of the Périgord Vert, on the edge of a small lake, you will be welcomed at Kanshoji monastery in a peaceful atmosphere and you will be able to live a true spiritual vacation.

You will be accompanied during your stay by monks, nuns and residents who will help you discover the life of the monastery and through it, the practice of Zen.

The initiation to meditation will of course be at the center of this discovery retreat.


Daily life

You can follow the daily life of the residents:

  • As soon as you get up, you will head to the dojo for sitting zazen meditation, facing the wall (i.e. facing yourself), in silence and stillness.
  • It will be followed by a short ceremony of homage and gratitude to the Buddhas and the masters of the Soto Zen lineage.
  • Then comes breakfast. Guenmai, traditional rice soup.
  • Then you will participate with everyone else in samou, the selfless activity of serving the community: washing dishes, cleaning, peeling vegetables, gardening…
  • Then comes the tea-coffee break. This is a convivial moment of sharing… and sometimes a teaching from the abbot, always appreciated.
  • Then, at the sound of the bell, the samou resumes, always with the attention and concentration that lead to a calm and open mind…
  • Lunch is eaten in silence, with gratitude for those who have prepared it and with care and respect for vegetarian and organic food.
  • After a time of rest, the practice continues: samu, lectures, and meditation continue until dusk.

The teachings

During this week, several teachings on Buddhist practice and wisdom will be given by the abbot of the monastery, Zen master Taiun Faure.

In our daily life in a difficult and complicated society
it is necessary to return to happy simplicity
through a meditative practice
based on a thousands of years old experience
and on universal and eternal values.

Come and experience for yourself,
during these spiritual holidays,
the value of this teaching and practice.


See you soon!

This retreat is intended for people who have not yet been familiar with the practice of Zen

Exceptional price: 315€ for the week + 15€ annual membership to the Kanshoji Zen Association.

These rates imply that you are a beginner coming to Kanshoji for the first time and that you are doing the whole retreat. They include accommodation, food, training and teachings.

If you wish, it will be possible to extend your stay; please contact the secretariat:



Discovery retreat September 2025

    Your reservation will be effective upon receipt of a 50€ deposit by bank transfer :
    IBAN FR76 42559 10000 08013177575 34 / BIC CCOPFRPPXXX

    We apologize not being able to accept your payment by credit card.
    The remaining payment for your stay is made on the day of arrival, in cash or by cheque.

    Annual membership to the AZK (Association Zen Kanshoji)
    - 15€ the first year,
    - 40€ the following years.
    This membership is necessary to stay at the monastery.
  • Those with a small budget can apply for a reduction according to their income.
    Those who can are invited to make a donation.

  • The retreat is silent.

  • Arrival : Friday September 19th between 3 & 6pm.
    Departure : Thursday September 25th after breakfast.