Arrival : Thursday March 6th between 3 & 6pm.
Departure : Sunday March 9th after lunch.

Led by Hosetsu L. Scemama

During this retreat, cut off from our daily environment, we forget our usual preoccupations and devote ourselves to the spiritual practice: to return to a deeply peaceful, available, open mind.

Zazen is the root practice that continues in all activities of daily life. Teachings are given during meditation, at meetings or in question and answer sessions.

Specific guidance is provided for new practitioners.

March retreat 2025

    Payment for your stay is made on the day of arrival, in cash or by cheque.

    Annual membership to the AZK (Association Zen Kanshoji)
    - 15€ the first year,
    - 40€ the following years.
    This membership is necessary to stay at the monastery.
  • Those with a small budget can apply for a reduction according to their income.
    Those who can are invited to make a donation.

  • The retreat is silent.

  • Arrival : Thursday March 6th between 3pm and 6pm.
    Departure : Sunday March 9th after lunch.

  • * to be filled in